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It's full in the places that matter in over crowded cities where the immigrants usually head to because they are after a new lifestyle and not fleeing from any dangers. The quieter places need immigrants with money already etc to help boost the economy or people with special skills sets. BBC posts one day about climate change and over population. The next about immigration etc., I don't want my vacation mountains over runner. Who's building those homes? The Top 12 trending shirt 9/05/2019 ha they run off fall and summer tourist. No thank you. Um their own countries and closer ones to them arent that full either. Go there. Vermont is run by Socialists and Communists. This is a powerful concept the 'hypocritical middle class cocaine users who cared about fair trade and organic food, but who, she said, were fueling the drug trade which in turn has been linked to child exploitation and trafficking.' Like Bernie Sanders.
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