Sebastian Wolfstein So when women and their fetuses start dying because of illegal abortions whose life are you trying to protect. Anne Carole by 9 weeks there is a heartbeat, brain activity, and the Top Hot Shirt Ralphiotees 2019/05/16 feel pain. and actually it does have human form and structure way before 9 weeks. Its worth considering that perhaps it is actually a human life and should have at least some basic rights. I’m with LuAnn. I don’t think I could possibly have an abortion, but who am I to decide what people who are in situations that I’ve never found myself should and shouldn’t be allowed to do? And you cannot call yourself pro-life if you think it’s to kill a person who’s been convicted of a crime. At very least decency would dictate giving the baby pain meds before aborting it which is pretty much never done. Cody Carter no most of that is not true. It’s lies you’ve been fed. Research for yourself.
Myopic atheist. They believe in magic and spirit but refuse to accept the fact that here’s God who’s a higher spirit. What about the the unborn fetus, doesn’t their life matter? A fetus is a person too. What about their rights and their unspoken voice? Marie Walsh Rilea in the words of your dumb president what a dumb statement. Wow it’s amazing how dumb and naive so many Americans are. If you’re not ready for children, then maybe you shouldn’t be having, so it that not a person also? There goes your logic right out the Top Hot Shirt Ralphiotees 2019/05/16. Such a dumb argument you people make. No baby can live without nurturing born or unborn dummy. Ian Johnston ok bro.
From: Ralphiotees
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