ANNOUNCE!!! Motherhood is beinga tiny person’s snack bitch shirt is now available at Ralphiotees.
Proceed to checkout here with only 22,99$: Motherhood is beinga tiny person’s snack bitch shirt
I love the queen as much as the next person well
you can't be british then as we don't love the unelected relic from a bygone
age. Imagine how all the Motherhood is beinga tiny person’s snack bitch shirt who were conquered by this country with an
identity crisis feel. I truly feel for ya, i never know who i am. And always
miss my family. The apostle of allah . p.b.u.h. used to place his camel . towards the ka'ba. and said prayer in its direction. I feel like
this message will go over a lot of people's heads as the constant term used is
british. It's for the simple fact that when you get citizenship it is a british
citizenship. The same way you'd get an american passport and not one relating
to the state you live in.
You can see the official design here: Motherhood is beinga tiny person’s snack bitch shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop funny shirt
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