Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 4, 2019

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Alfred Chelsea you obviously didn't read more than the headline. She wasn't on holiday. Now a British woman has fallen and BBC.COMcan now yawn about killings in the Top 3 store moteefe of I am a Disney princess unless Winterfell needs me shirt of country created by their own people, for their own good without caring about what the indigenous people think. It just seems to go on and on so many truly good people killed for doing nothing wrong but just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, killings happen everywhere in the world. We hear about them all the time in America and everywhere. However, Nigeria is one of the safest places to live bar the Northern region only. Which sensible human being and for that matter a foreigner goes on holiday in Kaduna City and northern Nigeria in general.

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But he is a pussy leader has no guts to face press, the reality. His every scheme every steps was a disaster . Never released a single data on his performance, because he can't face his failure. Son of a bich lies every day, using religion, army to win election. Fooling people by fake News So they couldn't find any nice resort in Lagos or even a good hotel in Abuja. I don’t think northern Nigeria was a good choice to work or holiday. Let’s make better choices and if u put yourself in harms way sometimes these things happen.
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Udit Parihar Who was the I am a Disney princess unless Winterfell needs me shirt Hindu terrorist you recall to have massacred such way in this world heart goes out to these people please stop these attacks, innocent people are taking the brunt.may the deceased be at peace & may God help the survivors to cope with this devastating situation. 

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