Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 3, 2019

Just a girl who loves Sunflowers shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Just a girl who loves Sunflowers shirt is now available at Ralphiotees.

Proceed to checkout here with only 22,99$: Just a girl who loves Sunflowers shirt
And it is not good. We know he is not your kind of guy. He is a decent, brave, heroic kind of guy that people from both parties love and respect. You, trump are the slime of the earth. I guess we need to say this while we can before it becomes illegal. Most americans despise trump and those who voted for and continue to support him. Please don't judge us by his idiocy. John mccain was a traitor and will always be a traitor, you people hated mccain until the Just a girl who loves Sunflowers shirt did, now you have all this new found respect for him. 
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Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds. He wasn’t my kind of guy either. Mccain was a petty rhino. Respect his military service. But there it ended. And stop taking happy photos at ground zero in new york. It’s not a goddamn park. It’s a cemetery. I visited auschwitz birkenau a few years ago and was appalled at the Just a girl who loves Sunflowers shirt of indiscriminate taking of photographs that we saw. The age of the people doing it ranged from teens to mid sixties. I even saw someone pose against the wall of death. 
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You can see the official design here: Just a girl who loves Sunflowers shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shopfunny shirt

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