Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 3, 2019

Not my pasture not my bullshit not today heifer shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Not my pasture not my bullshit not today heifer shirt is now available at Ralphiotees.
Proceed to checkout here with only 22,99$: Not my pasture not my bullshit not today heifer shirt
Red i’ve got a bit of a lead foot so i use my cruise control in low speed areas or i’ll get in trouble, but i can switch that off on a fraction of a second when i find myself in a bad situation, i wouldn’t be happy to be sat there not being able to do anything especially around buses and lorries when they start playing my vehicle is bigger than yours so move. Absolutely bs my coach is limited i have no issues at all it's the Not my pasture not my bullshit not today heifer shirt nob heads on the road. Red top or the power to get into dangerous situations. It's the high performance german brands that cause the most anxiety on the roads not the nissan micras. Top so if the vehicle in front pulls away at and you were doing then very quickly a space would open up allowing you to pull back into the space you just came out of, unless of course the person that was following you also decided to accelerate at the same time just to stop you getting back in. 
Not my pasture not my bullshit not today heifer hoodie
You can see the official design here: Not my pasture not my bullshit not today heifer shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shopfunny shirt

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