From: Shop Ralphiotees Owls I’m sorry did I roll my eyes out loud shirt
Now they've become dumber for missing class that day. Cow farts is causing global warming if you attended school you would know that,when cow farting was stopped yrs ago the Owls I’m sorry did I roll my eyes out loud shirt layer repaired itself only when the ban was lifted did it start getting warmer climate scientists and the greens party all agree that co is caused by flatulent cows only if we stop government funding for climate change will things cool down. They took buses there. Wearing industrial clothes. That girls wear twice before they're outfashioned and replaced. But you can deny it, it's cool. Cool is important.
I think it's great that the younger generation are trying to do something. The Owls I’m sorry did I roll my eyes out loud shirt generation don't think that it's that important. It is easy to dismiss this as a student thing. But i saw children of all ages brandishing home made placards. There were thousands of protests, each with hundreds of children. I am really disappointed the bbc reported this as thousands of students. That so diminishes what happened yesterday, and makes it easy for cynics to dismiss as just a student thing.
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