From: Shop trending shirt Scoss Trucker Flag American shirt

If there's another election i for one won't be voting because as we now know winning means nothing. Best out of anyone. Nick i agree with you that we are being played but there is nothing democratic about going against the majority of the poeple's wishes who the Scoss Trucker Flag American shirt do these politicians work brexit is the most sensible course of action at least for now. The referendum didn't specify a leave date, it was pure politics which caused article to be invoked so early without any plan. It should be stopped and a cross party group be set up in parliament to find the best way forward.

This government doesn't command a working majority, and i don't think a general election will help matters either. As much as my heart says nd referendum my head says this would create more chaos. Of course it would cause more chaos. But that's corbyn for you. He doesn't give the Scoss Trucker Flag American shirt about this country. All he wants is what is best for him, and that's to become pm. God help us if that ever happens. And a nd referendum would be pointless and probably rigged in favour of remaining. Keith roberts.
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