From: Shop Ralphiotees UFO Get in loser we’re doing butt stuff shirt

women chase men out of thier own property then also file for child support then compliment the UFO Get in loser we’re doing butt stuff shirt with domestic violence as a criminal I'm so sick of this narrative news. . I don't even read your garbage anymore because it's so one sided and on an agenda. Just shows there are many who dont know the history of manafort and his crimes. Completely unrelated to and actions that happened years ago. Just shows me that over people haven’t bothered to check facts and just pile in with blind hatred.

Could find a cure for cancer and you’d still find cause to vilify him for it. It's easy to hate a man who is a mysoginistic, racist, homophobic, idiot. The UFO Get in loser we’re doing butt stuff shirt world is laughing at the idiocy of if he found a cure for cancer you could be sure he'd make a profit out of people's pain. Irene phoenix seems to me that you are the one jumping to judgment. Just because is not implicated in manafort's crimes certainly does not mean that he is not implicated in any crimes.
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